Resident Focus: LíO Press
LíO Press is an independent label based in Berlin curated by Alicia Carrera. LíO means muddle - and is also a meeting point for intrepid and uncommon sounds. Each episode is a space for storytelling by special guests from around the globe on one hour selections of off-kilter experimental, ambient and psychedelic sounds.

Tell us a little about yourself, where you are in the world, one fun fact about yourself.
AConsidering the current world situation and how reality is shifting, I currently spend a lot of time reading about science and philosophy, psychology and esotericism. That gives me space for self-reflection and balance. On a daily basis, I collaborate with artists and musicians and work with labels on the visual side. Once every three months, I curate the Horrorscope events at Sameheads.
How are you spending your days at the moment?
AThis winter in Berlin has been a quiet one when it comes to djing. I spent most of the time in the studio, working on graphics, finishing a videoclip and planning the forthcoming releases on my label, LíO Press, that I’m re- launching now after some time of break.
Favourite thing to hear in nature?
AThe crickets in Asia in the summer. Apparently, these animals sleep during the day, and while they are active during the evening, they make a powerful noise in order to find food and attract their partners, making a really loud polyrhythmic concert.

What is inspiring you outside of music right now?
AWatching documentaries and films keeps me inspired at the moment. Also collecting old books and VHS tapes is one of my favourite things. Visual and video art is my main inspiration besides the music, and is something I like researching in my free time.
Some artist’s you’re excited about at the minute?
It’s hard to mention just a few. When it comes to contemporary music, lately at home i’ve been listening to Vague Imaginaires, Andra Ljos and Tarotplane (who I had the luck to collaborate with on an artwork recently). When it comes to visual work, Oliver Pitt, Carmen Winant, Sergej Vutuc, Thibault Tourmente, Joshua Ellingson, Hypnagogia.tv (who made the video for this interview, and who also does the visuals for Horrorscope) would be some currently inspiring artists.
How has where you grew up informed your taste?
AI grew up in a small village out in the countryside. When I had access to my first computer at the age of 11 or 12, I got obsessed with music and started listening to punk and rock bands. That made me imagine how would those scenes be, and eventually lead me to go to concerts since a very young age. I would often go to the city and developed interests around the nocturnal urban life and the underground music and music sub-cultures, specially about the 60’s and 70’s psychedelic era but also the 80s and post punk and goth rock aesthetics.
By the age of 17 I started collecting the first vinyls and djing in local bars and the music exchange was extremely important. I would be very committed to do ‘my own thing’ when organising parties and would try to meet people who would share similar music interests.
What album do you go to when all else fails?
AI associate music with very precise moments in time, so it’s hard for me to fall into just one album. But right now it would be this one by Dregs.

Dream retirement regime, set the scene?
AI would like to live in a quiet place with a little bit of nature, surrounded by friends - hopefully living in a nice community.
How do you approach the curation of your show?
AThe idea of the show is to invite artists from the sphere who would share an innovative music vision. Some of them are musicians from the label.
What song is playing at your funeral?
Go check out Alicia Carrera's show for us and discover a feast of Psychedelic Rock, Krautrock, Experimental and much more esoteric music.